Fibonacci Sequence:
Fibonacci representation F(x): Any natural number x can be expressed as the sum of a set of different Fibonacci numbers.
In particular: f_0 and f_1 are two different Fibonacci numbers.
For example: 7=5+2=f_4+f_2, \ 7=3+2+1+1=f_3+f_2+f_1+f_0 indicates that 7 corresponds to at least two Fibonacci representations.
The value of the Fibonacci representation w(F(x)): defined as the product of the Fibonacci numbers in the representation .
For example: 7=3+2+1+1=f_3+f_2+f_1+f_0. In this representation, the value w(F(x)) is: 3 \times 2 \times 1 \times 1=6.
With the above definitions, now, find the sum of all Fibonacci representations’ value of a given number x.
To simplify the question, please output the answer modulo lovely 998244353.
The first line contains a positive integer T(1\leq T≤10^6).
The next T line, each line has a natural number n(1\leq n ≤10^7).
The output should contain T lines, each line with an integer, which represents the value of the answer modulo lovely 998244353.
标准输入 复制文本 |
1 7 |
标准输出 复制文本 |
21 |
7=5+2=5+1+1=3+2+1+1, then 5 \times 2+5 \times 1 \times 1+3 \times 2 \times 1 \times 1=21
2021 GDCPC 广东省大学生程序设计竞赛