from functools import *
# `True` if `a` is placed on the left
def cmp(a, b):
if (a[1] >= 0) != (b[1] >= 0): # If `a` and `b` shift the depth in different directions,
return a[1] >= 0 # the one increasing the depth should be placed on the left
if a[1] >= 0: return a[2] >= b[2] # If they both increase the depth, the one demanding less depth goes left
else: return (a[2] - a[1]) < (b[2] - b[1]) # If they both decrease the depth, the one with less left brackets goes right
# Receive input
n = int(input())
sl = [input() for i in range(n)] # Raw input data
dl = [] # Computed item list
for i in range(len(sl)):
s = sl[i]
d = 0
e = 0
for c in s:
# Compute `d`, how many levels of depth does this item in-/de-creases
if c == '(': d += 1
else: d -= 1
# Compute `e`, how many levels of depth does this item actually demands (negated)
if d < e: e = d
dl.append((i, d, e)) # Also record the original index as the items are sorted later
dl.sort(key=cmp_to_key(lambda a, b: -1 if cmp(a, b) else 1))
depth = 0
# Check if the depth ever goes negative throughout the items
for sel in dl:
if depth + sel[2] < 0: raise RuntimeError("NO")
depth += sel[1]
# Check if the final depth is 0, i.e. all the left brackets are closed
if depth != 0: raise RuntimeError("NO")
print(' '.join([str(i[0] + 1) for i in dl]))
except RuntimeError as ex: